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Are You OPEN?


I just returned from our annual Fall Business Meeting with Renaissance Executive Forums, and it occurs to me that I have become a far more open person since joining this business 13 years ago. One of the primary reasons CEOs and business owners join the Executive Forums that I lead, is to learn. They tend to be far more open to new ideas, fresh perspectives and change than the CEOs and business owners who choose not to join. They are much more open than I ever was. The Executive Forum members I work with are humble and willing to share. They recognize they don’t know what they don’t know, and they are willing to change and grow.

Although my reasons for starting this business were different (opportunity to gain flexibility in my work life and control my schedule, ability to help others and see meaningful results), I am so grateful that I’ve changed along the way. The hours I’ve spent listening to CEOs and business owners as they openly describe their challenges and discoveries have served to humble me. Humility leads to openness. Openness leads to curiosity, light, acceptance, belonging, change and renewal. It brings to mind that old hymn: “Open my eyes that I may see, glimpses of truth thou hast for me…Open my eyes, illumine me!” I thank God for opening me up to what I have left to learn!

Consider these 31 questions over the next month:

1. What does being open mean to you?

2. What holds you back from being more open?

3. What would it take for you to become more open?

4. Are you open to becoming more open?

5. What are the most significant changes in your life and your business in the past five years?

6. If you were open to how different your life could look in next five years, what would you see?

7. If you were open to how different your business could look in next five years, what would you see?

8. If you were open to learning one thing from the least educated or experienced person you know, what would it be?

9. If you were open to learning one thing from the most annoying person you know, what would it be?

10. If you were open to learning one thing from the person you love the most, what would it be?

11. If you were open to trying one thing you’ve never wanted to do, what would that be like?

12. If you were open to stepping outside your comfort zone, where would you be?

13. If you were open to your current circumstances as being exactly what you need, what could that create for you?

14. If you were open to seeing beyond your current circumstances, what could you see?

15. If you were open to being loved by others, how would that feel?

16. If you were open to being loved by God, who else might you love?

17. If you were open to being loved by yourself, who could you become?

18. When, where, and with whom might you become open to sharing your greatest challenges?

19. When, where and with whom might you become open to sharing your greatest accomplishments?

20. When, where and with whom might you become open to sharing your greatest fears?

21. When, where and with whom might you become open to sharing your story?

22. If you were open to letting go one of your assumptions, what would it be?

23. If you were open to letting go of one person you love most, who would that be?

24. If you were open to letting go of one thing you hold most tightly, what would it be?

25. Where does your open mind wander?

26. Where does your open heart lead you?

27. What could you lose by being open?

28. What could you gain by being open?

29. What are you open to right now?

30. Will you be open today?

31. When will you become more open?

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